Thursday, July 26, 2018

Railway ALP and Technician 2018 : Declared Exam City and Date

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has finally released the exam dates for the first stage Computer Based Test (CBT) for ALP & Technicians Exam.

The deatiled Exam Dates for Railway Recruitment Exam 2018 has been discussed below.

Start First Stage CBT (Railway ALP) : From  9th August 2018
Activation Of Mock Link (First Stage CBT) 26th July 2018
Intimation Of Exam Date, Exam City And Time
(To Make Travel Arrangements ) :26th July 2018
Admit card Availability 4 Days Before To The Candidate’s Date of Exam

Railway Recruitment Board has released RRB ALP/Technician Intimation Of Exam Date, Exam City And Time   10-15 days before examination date on its official website of the respective zones. Aspirants who are going to participate in the written examination have to download their Intimation Of Exam Date, Exam City And Time from the official website. The Ist stage Computer Based Test will be held on 09th August 2018.
All of you who have applied for these posts may now check their exam details through the links given below:


NOTE: Each and Every Content, We have provided in Our Website is only for the Information is not a recruitment agency and do not carry any Recruitment Process. provides information of any Recruitment only for all the Job Seekers through which they will get time by time updated News. Job Seekers who are looking for a Job and Visiting our Website “” Daily, they are requested to Visit the “Official Website” of Any Government or Non-Government Organization to Completely Know about the Application Process and Other Official Updates.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


West Bengal Public Service Commission has invited applications to fill 594 vacancies for various  posts. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts in the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission -  Candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 13th august 2018.

Recruitment details


No of Total Posts: 594 Posts .

Application online Submission End Date: 13/08/2018.

Job Location: West Bengal State.

Application mode: online.

Age limit:

Not more than 37 years on 01.01.2018


(i) For Civil Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(ii) For Electrical Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(iii) For Mechanical Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(iv)For Computer Science & Technology First class Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(v) For Automobile Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Automobile Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(vi) For Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(vii) For Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering or Technology or Instrumentation Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(viii)For Survey Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Survey Engineering or in Architecture or Civil Engineering or Mining Engineering with Survey Engineering as elective or compulsory subject(s) from a recognized University or Institute, or its equivalent

(ix) For Physics Master’s degree in Physics with first class or equivalent from a recognized University

(x) For Chemistry Master’s degree in Chemistry with first class or equivalent from a recognized University

(xi) For Mathematics Master’s degree in Mathematics with first class or equivalent from a recognized University

(xii) For Humanities Master’s degree in Economics or English or Commerce with first class or equivalent from a recognized University

(xiii) For Multimedia Technology First class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Multimedia Technology, or Master’s degree in Science in Multimedia Technology with First class, from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xiv) For 3D Animation and Graphics First class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Multimedia & Animation or Animation & Graphics, or Master’s degree in Science in Multimedia Technology with First class, from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xv) For Chemical Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xvi) For Metallurgical Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xvii) For Food Processing Technology First class Bachelor’s degree in Food Processing Engineering or Technology from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xviii) For Architecture First class Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xix) For Mining Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xx) For Mining Survey First class Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xxi) For Computer Software Technology First class Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering or Computer Science & Technology or Computer Software Technology from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xxii) For Petrochemical Engineering First class Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology with Petrochemical Engineering as elective paper(s) from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

(xxiii) For Medical Laboratory Technology First class Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Technology or Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering or Technology or Bio-Medical Engineering from a recognised University or Institute, or its equivalent

Pay scale:

 Rs.15, 600/- – Rs.39, 100/- plus A.G.P. of Rs. 5, 400/- [A.G.P. of Rs. 6, 000/- for those having M.E. /
M.Tech. degree in appropriate branch for the posts mentioned at Sl. Nos. (i) to (viii) & (xv) to (xxiii)] and

Rs.15, 600/- – Rs.39, 100/- plus A.G.P. of Rs. 5, 400/- for the posts mentioned at Sl. Nos. (ix) to (xiv).

Application Fee: 

Rs. 210/- (Rupees two hundred ten) only. In addition to that, the candidate will be charged as follows:

(i) For online payment through debit/credit cards: Convenience fee 1% of the examination fee subject to a minimum of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(ii) For online payment through net banking: Convenience fee of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(iii) For offline payment through bank counter: Service Charge of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty) only.

S.C./S.T. candidates of West Bengal and Persons with disabilities (P.W.D.) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid. NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO S.C./S.T. CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES AND B.C. CANDIDATES. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination.

Important links

Official notification click here 

Apply online click here

Official website click here

Monday, July 23, 2018

WBPSC Accountant Recruitment 2018: 200 Works Accountant posts - click here to apply online

West Bengal Public Service Commission has invited applications to fill 200 vacancies for Works Accountant  posts. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts in the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission -  Candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 9th august 2018.

Recruitment details

Name of the Posts: Works Accountant  posts

No of Total Posts: 200 Posts .
Application online Submission Start Date: 20/07/2018.
Application online Submission End Date: 09/08/2018.

Job Location: West Bengal State.

Application mode: online.

Age limit:

Not more than 39 years on 01.01.2018


(i) Must have a Bachelor’s degree in Science or Commerce from a recognized University

(ii) An elementary knowledge in computer operation and computer typing from a registered and reputed Institute for not less than 6(six) months.

(iii) Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required in case of Nepali speaking candidates from hill areas of the State).

Pay scale:  

(PB-3) Rs.7, 100/- to 37,600/- + G.P. Rs. 3,600/-

Gross emoluments at the entry level: Rs.10, 700/- besides D.A., M.A. and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.

Application Fee:

Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred sixty) only. In addition to that, the candidate will be charged as follows:

(i) For online payment through debit/credit cards: Convenience fee 1% of the examination fee subject to a minimum of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(ii) For online payment through net banking: Convenience fee of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(iii) For offline payment through bank counter: Service Charge of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty) only.

S.C./S.T. candidates of West Bengal and Persons with disabilities (P.W.D.) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid.
NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO S.C./S.T. CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES AND B.C. CANDIDATES. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination. 

Important links

Official notification click here 

Apply online click here

Official website click here

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Co-operative Service Commission WB Recruitment 2018 – Apply Online for various posts

WEST BENGAL CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION released notification for the recruitment of the posts of 24 various Co-operative Institutions as described hereunder. An applicant can apply for all or any of the posts of the following Institutions (indicating preferences and fulfilling all eligibility criteria) by submission of only one application form. All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply Online before 19/08/2018.

No of Total Posts: 24 Posts.

Application online Submission Start Date:19/07/2018
Application online Submission End Date: 19/08/2018
Job Location:  West Bengal State ,India

Name of the Posts & No of Vacancies:

1.Computer Operator-cum Office Assistant - 2 post 

2.Jr. Asstt/ Jr. Supervisor/ Jr. Cashier Gr-IV - 3 posts

3.Supervisor Gr-III - 1 post

4.Junior Office Assistant - 1 post

5.Computer Operator cum Cash Clerk - 3 posts

6.Office Assistant - 1 post

7.Block Supervisor cum-Office Assistant - 2 posts

8.Senior Assistant - 3 posts

9.Assistant - 8 posts


1.Computer Operator-cum Office Assistant - Madhyamik or equivalent + BCK

2.Jr. Asstt/ Jr. Supervisor/ Jr. Cashier Gr-IV - Graduate in any discipline + BCK

3.Supervisor Gr-III - Graduate in any + DCA

4.Junior Office Assistant - Graduate in any discipline + BCK+ 2 yrs working experience under computerized environment

5.Computer Operator cum Cash Clerk - Graduate in any Discipline + BCK

6.Office Assistant - Discipline + BCK Graduate in any

7.Block Supervisor cum-Office Assistant - Graduate in any Discipline + BCK

8.Senior Assistant - Discipline + BCK Graduate in any

9.Assistant - H.S. or equivalent + BCK

Age limit & relaxation

The age of the applicant should be between 18 to 40 years as on 01.01.2018. Age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC-A/B candidates will be 5 years respectively.

Pay scale (Rs.):

1.Computer Operator-cum Office Assistant - 11447 (approx)

2.Jr. Asstt/ Jr. Supervisor/ Jr. Cashier Gr-IV - 21468 (approx)

3.Supervisor Gr-III - 18156 (approx)

4.Junior Office Assistant - 25222 (approx)

5.Computer Operator cum Cash Clerk -16196  (approx)

6.Office Assistant - 17500 (approx)
7.Block Supervisor cum-Office Assistant - 23805 (approx)

8.Senior Assistant - 15500 (approx)

9.Assistant - 12997 (approx)

Application fee

General/OBC candidates have to pay: Rs.200/- & All Other Applicants (ST/SC/Ex-s/PWD) have to pay Rs. NIL.

Selection process:

1. Stage-I: Candidates will have to appear in a written examination, which will consist of two papers which are as follows; Paper-1: 100 no.s of MCQ type questions [Consisting of three subjects-
 (i) Quantitative Aptitude (ii) Test of Reasoning (iii) General Awareness]. There will be negative marking @ 1:4. Full Marks: 100; Duration- 1 hour 30 minutes.

2. Stage II: 
(A) The candidates will also have to appear in Practical Test in Basic Computer Knowledge (50 marks and qualifying in nature).
(B) The candidates will be called for interview/viva voce test (of 15 marks) as per merit list prepared on the basis of the results of the written examination.

Important links

Official notification click here

Apply online click here

Official website click here

Friday, July 20, 2018

West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination, 2018

The Commission will hold the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination, 2018 for recruitment to the posts in West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service.
Applications can be submitted online only through the Commission’s website on & from 11.30 a.m., 17th July, 2018. Before applying for the post, candidates are required to enroll themselves as per “ONE TIME ENROLLMENT” scheme through the same website. Those who have already made enrollment at the same website (i.e. ) need not enroll once again.Detailed information regarding age limit, qualifications, scale of pay, closing date for submission of fees and online applications, scheme and syllabus of the examination etc. will be available in the Commission’s websites at: &

Commencement of submission of online application:
The 17th July, 2018 from 11:30 a.m.

Closing date for submission of application & fees through online: 6th August, 2018 12-00 midnight

Closing date for submission of fees through offline: 7th August, 2018 

Scale of pay:    (PB-4A) Rs.15, 600/- to 42,000/- + G.P. Rs. 5,400/-

Gross emoluments at the entry level: Rs.21,000/- besides D.A., M.A. and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.

No. of vacancy:    40    

[ 14 unfilled vacancy (ST – 01, OBC(A) – 11, PH – 02) &26 fresh vacancy (Unreserved – 13, SC - 06, ST – 01, OBC (A) – 03, OBC (B) – 03,]


Must have a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from a recognized University or must be a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or must be a Member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India or MBA/PGDM (FINANCE) or equivalent post-graduation degree in Finance under 2 (Two) years full time regular course approved by All India Council for Technical Education.

Age:    Not more than 36 years as on 01.01.2018 (i.e. born not earlier than 2nd January, 1982).

Application Fee:

(Rupees two hundred ten) only + Service Charge 1% of Examination Fee subject to a minimum of Rs.5/- (Rupees Five) only for online payment through debit/credit card plus 12.36% of service charge as Govt. Duty or
Service Charge of Rs.5/- (Rupees Five) only for Net Banking or Service Charge of Rs.20/- (Rupees Twenty) only for payment through Bank Counter (off-line payment).

Important links:

official notification:    click here

official website :        click here 
apply link:                 click here

The Public Service Commission, West Bengal will hold the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment
Examination, 2018 on the results of which recruitment will be made to the posts in the West Bengal Audit and Accounts
Service. The rules of the examination and other particulars are stated in the following paragraphs. A candidate should
verify from the notified rules whether he/she is eligible for admission to the examination. The conditions prescribed
cannot be relaxed.
The West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination will be held in two successive stages, viz.,
(i) Preliminary Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Question) and (ii) Main Examination (Conventional Type)
followed by Personality Test. A number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Preliminary Examination will
be allowed admission to the Main Examination and a number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Main
Examination will be called to appear at the Personality Test.
The Preliminary Examination will be held at various centres in Kolkata and Darjeeling in the month of
September, 2018 or thereabout. Only candidates of Kalimpong district and three hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling district,
namely Darjeeling Sadar, Mirik and Kurseong will be allowed to appear at Darjeeling centre. The Main Examination will
be held in
Kolkata only. The schedule for the Main Examination will be announced later on. The Personality Test will
be held thereafter in the office of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, in Kolkata.

NOTE: Each and Every Content, We have provided in Our Website is only for the Information is not a recruitment agency and do not carry any Recruitment Process. provides information of any Recruitment only for all the Job Seekers through which they will get time by time updated News. Job Seekers who are looking for a Job and Visiting our Website “” Daily, they are requested to Visit the “Official Website” of Any Government or Non-Government Organization to Completely Know about the Application Process and Other Official Updates.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018



West Bengal Public Service Commission has invited applications to fill 66 vacancies for motor vehicle inspector posts on temporary basis but likely to be permanent. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts in the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission -  Candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 6th august 2018.

Recruitment details

Name of the Posts: Motor vehicle inspector(non technical) 

No of Total Posts: 66 Posts .
Application online Start Date: 17/07/2018.
Application online Submission End Date: 06/08/2018.
Job Location: West Bengal State.

Age limit:

Not more than 36 years on 01.01.2018


(i) Must have Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University; 
(ii) Must have the minimum physical standard as mentioned below:-

1.Candidates of all categories (except Gorkha, Garwali, Rajbansi and other Hill Tribes / Scheduled Tribes).

Height - 170 cms. 

Chest 86 cms. with expansion of 5 cms. 

Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard. 

2.Gorkha, Garwali, Rajbansi and other Hill Tribes / Scheduled Tribes Candidates.

Height- 160 cms.

Chest - 81 cms. with expansion of 5 cms. 

Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard.

Application Fee:
Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred sixty) only. In addition to that, the candidate will be charged as follows:

(i) For online payment through debit/credit cards: Convenience fee 1% of the examination fee subject to a minimum of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(ii) For online payment through net banking: Convenience fee of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(iii) For offline payment through bank counter: Service Charge of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty) only.

S.C./S.T. candidates of West Bengal and Persons with disabilities (P.W.D.) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid.
NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO S.C./S.T. CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES AND B.C. CANDIDATES. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination. 

Pay scale:  
PAY : (P.B. – 3) Rs. 7,100/- - Rs. 37,600/- with Grade Pay Rs. 3,900/-

Syllabus and  scheme for examination:
The examination shall be conducted in two parts:
PART-I: The syllabus and scheme for such examination shall be framed by the Commission in
consultation with the Transport Department, Govt. of W.B.
PART-II: Candidates will be called to PART-II (Personality Test) on the basis of the ranks in PART-I
Examination. The Personality Test will be conducted by the Commission.
Final Merit List will be prepared on the basis of the total marks obtained in PART-I & PART-II
Examinations taken together.

Important links

Official notification    click here 

Online apply                Click here

Official website          click here

Friday, July 13, 2018

WBPSC Recruitment 2018: 338 School Sub-Inspector posts application starts

West Bengal Public Service Commission has invited applications to fill 338 vacancies for sub-inspector posts on temporary basis but likely to be permanent. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts in the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission -  Candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 6th august 2018.

Recruitment details


No of Total Posts: 338 Posts .
Application online Submission Start Date: 17/07/2018.
Application online Submission End Date: 06/08/2018.
Job Location: West Bengal State.

Age limit:

Not more than 36 years on 01.01.2018



(i) A second class Honours or a second class Master’s degree of a recognized University or its equivalent;

(ii) A Bachelor degree in Teaching or Education from a recognized University or its

(iii) Good knowledge in Bengali/Nepali – spoken and written &

(iv) Ability to undertake extensive tour on official duty.


(i) Teaching experience in Schools &

(ii) Ability to organize extra-curricular activities.  

Application Fee:

Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred sixty) only. In addition to that, the candidate will be charged as follows:

(i) For online payment through debit/credit cards: Convenience fee 1% of the examination fee subject to a minimum of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(ii) For online payment through net banking: Convenience fee of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only plus 18% G.S.T. on convenience fee.

(iii) For offline payment through bank counter: Service Charge of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty) only.

S.C./S.T. candidates of West Bengal and Persons with disabilities (P.W.D.) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee. BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid.
NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO S.C./S.T. CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES AND B.C. CANDIDATES. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination. 

Pay scale:  

Rs.9, 000/- – Rs.40, 500/- (P.B. – 4) plus Grade Pay Rs. 4, 700/-.  

Important links

Official notification click here 

Online apply Click here

Official website click here